Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First TV Shows, Then Movies

So, it may come as no surprise that with my life being primarily devoted to school and a small social life, that I'm still watching lots of TV shows. TV shows are perfect though. 20 minutes is the perfect amount of time that I can have at one time to just sit and watch some people run around. Anyway, let's get started.
Can Sunny really get better? I can't even fathom how they are going to top these past three weeks of shows; eagles wrestling, kitten mittons and cat in the wall have been just so good. Charlie and Frank are the funniest characters in the show, by far. They are even so good that I consider them among my favorite characters of TV shows in general. The show just pushes the limit of sanity and ridiculous on such a regular basis that it's really hard to not laugh when Charlie is making his pitch to the camera to buy some sort of cat glove. Best. Show. Ever.
Now that Sunny is my favorite show of all time, let's take a look at the one that previously held that title: The Office. I'm still watching it. I tune in almost every Thursday night to see the next adventures of the folks at Dunder Mifflin but it feels to me more like a habit that I do that. I generally just get to my TV at 9 in preparation for Sunny. The Office is still a good show, to be sure. This last episode about the murder game was pretty funny. I laughed a lot more at it than I normally do. Though I can't help but feeling like after Jim and Pam got married, where does the show go from here? There's Erin and Andy, which I am in full support of. And now they are talking about closing the branch. Do the writers have the guts to make this a true character driven show and shut down the branch? Can we stick them all into another place and still have it be funny? I don't know. We'll see. I am also still going to be on the look out for Pam and Michael to have some sort of thing. Pam hates Michael so much that it just seems like it could be a possibility.
Speaking of habitually turning on NBC, I have been pretty pleased with 30 Rock recently. It's very silly and it's very witty. It's grown on me so much. At first, I always felt like it was "meh" to alright. But now that I'm getting to know these characters, I'm finding myself in stitches at some of the things they say. Let's hope for the best and that it continues to get good. I like having good TV shows to watch.
Just to round out the Thursday night lineup, let's talk about the League. Funny? Yes. Entertaining? Yes. Good? I don't know. I've been enjoying it, but that may just be because I'm almost looking forward to the life these people have: where marriage has become boring so that I'm forced to look to sports to entertain me. Let's have some hope for the new shows yea?
I suppose one show that I won't have to hope is good is Glee. Call me gay. Call me what you want, but I adore this show. Watching it is just so much fun. The characters are relatable, the problems are complex and the musical numbers are a joy. Never has a show's name been so appropriately given. I missed it when the World Series was on. Yankees and Phillies? No thank you. Could you get two more boring teams to play each other?

Let's do Movies!!!!!!
Saw this movie. or about half of it. I liked it. I was tired and went to bed which is why I didn't finish it. I'm not too upset. It was enjoyable, but whatever. I have other things to do than watch the rest of it. Like write this blog?
Oh man. This movie was fuuuuun. It was The Day After Tomorrow except the Earth imploded. Great theatrics, amazing visuals and just implausible enough to be entertaining. I mean come one, how could a movie where a limo jumps through a building and comes out the other side at just the right time is going to be great.
This movie is dark. I've tried to watch it so many times, and I still haven't even succeeded. I started watching it the other day but got distracted by other things. I need to watch the rest. The gravestone saying "The Salt of The Earth" just left me in stitches.
I enjoyed The Men Who Stare At Goats. It was funny and smart and well acted. Plus, having Ewen McGreggor, George Clooney, and Jeff Bridges helps immensely.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It seems like I'm on a mission.

And that mission is to apparently watch as many movies as I can.
I finished this. At first, I wasn't too sure how much I disliked this man. He was misguided and confused, so I can sympathize. But then, he started talking about how he hated Jews for stupid reasons and I immediately lost all respect. It became the rantings of a ridiculously optimistic person. But it was very interesting because it helped point out that smart people can do stupid things. The movie also had some really nice footage of old Germany and lots of film of Hitler. I have to say, he looked like a very captivating person. I personally don't understand it, but I everyone in the film seemed to intent on looking at him. Weird.
I finished The Goebells Experiment and decided to watch another movie, so I saw this on Netflix and decided to give it a go. I think I may waste a lot of time thinking about what movie I want to devote my next hour and a half to. I don't spend it actually watching movies. So, I decided to be impulsive and give it a go. I liked it. It was like an Australian version of Napoleon Dynamite, a film I deeply adore, for a couple reasons. I like that almost nothing goes wrong in the movie. It's a movie without a central conflict. This movie lacks that premise. I'm not even sure how much I liked this movie. I never saw the rage in Placid Lake. I saw him get a little uncomfortable, but I never saw passion seeping from every pore. It was in his friend that I saw some fire. She got angry.
I was recommended to watch this by a friend. I have to say, it was pretty crazy. Ellen Page was really good in it. She was crAAAzy. I don't want to ruin it, but I think it was a very good movie. It begs the question do these people deserve this kind of treatment? Are they just bad people who are beyond saving? Page's character seems to suggest so. So now I have to find something to watch besides Glee.
So I don't really care how gay this makes me, but I like this show. It's entertaining and has some good musical covers. Also, the girl teacher Emma Pilsburry is adorable. So cute.
Just look at her. Anyway, the show is not anything next to It's Always Sunny. That show is the greatest. Charlie Kelley is the greatest Television character of modern shows, of that I can be certain. I haven't seen all the characters ever, so I couldn't make the claim otherwise.

I WILL meet Charlie Day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Movies?

I've been attempting to finished this. I keep getting distracted. It's very good though.

I watched this movie. It was good. Almost a little too indie. But not quite.
Saw this movie in theaters. It was amusing. Everyone else seemed to think it was the second coming of Christ or some shit. I disagree. It was funny, but only so much so. It didn't seem like I missed anything either, like I was missing jokes. I just thought it was violent and gory and had some clever things in it. But, to me, parodies can really only be so good I feel. Either way, I enjoyed the movie. Worth the $10 I payed.

Downloaded this movie. A very entertaining movie. Fast paced and action packed. Dialogue is spoken quickly and with proper wit. They didn't compromise the intellectual premise that makes Star Trek what it is. Though I did almost feel like it was glorifying our military a lot, that's ok.

I need to watch this.
and this.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Why the hell did I watch this movie? This is how I described it: ..Visioneers was boring. So much staring by Zach Galifianakis and the only face he makes is the one that makes him look like he's retarded. That's also the only character he can pull off and so the director didn't have him do anything else. It also turned into a love story and a story about living through destruction. A note shows up that says "Kill the thing you love" and I said "Why hello Ayn Rynd, thanks for coming out"